Iron Man's Quesadilla

Guys, I just have to relay this story to you.  One day, I was watching music. when I heard a faint rumbling noise from behind me.  Now, guys, this wasn't your ordinary rumbling noise, guys, this noise was like a BOOM sound, guys, it wasn't low, guys, it was like a plane flying really close to the ground, guys, so I turned around, guys, and saw Tony Stark in my living room.
This struck me as odd.  Tony Stark was obviously a fictional character.  What was he doing in my house?  That confused me.  This struck me as odd.  Why was I confused?  I'm confused.  Tony suddenly opened his mouth and started screaming "WHERE IS MY QUESADILLA?"  I was quite taken aback.  I had no idea Iron Man liked quesadillas.  Speaking of Iron Man, Tony's appearance was quite strange.  He was wearing the normal suit, but it had the number "666" written on it, in what appeared to be blood.  I thought nothing more of this, however, as Tony suddenly started screaming again.  He screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed.
He must really like quesadillas.
Just then, blood started running down his face.  I was quite freaked out.  I mean, Iron Man, a fictional character, is in my house and he is bleeding out of his eye sockets.  I thought nothing more of this, however, as Tony suddenly started to scream again.  I did what any normal person would do, and went to the nearest restaurant for a quesadilla.
When I finally got back home with the quesadilla, Iron Man appeared much differently.  Though there was still blood running down his face, his suit was now entirely black.  This confused me, as Iron Man's suit changed colors from red to black.  I was confused.
I didn't have any spare moments to dwell on my confusion, as Iron Man suddenly started to run towards the quesadilla I had in my hands.  Shrieking, I threw the quesadilla at Tony.  I underestimated my strength, however, and the quesadilla landed right in front of him.
At this moment, Tony was so angry.  I was barely able to snap this picture of him before he started charging at me.
Tony pulled a very sharp knife from the alternate dimension contained inside my living room and stabbed me with it.  I began to bleed the most realistic blood I've ever bled.
Tony then began to suck my blood.  As I felt the life drain out of me, I made my way over to my desktop computer to type this story.  As I type this, Tony is still drinking my blood.  I'm scared.  My arms have begun to feel like a tortilla, while my torso has taken on a grated cheese form.  My legs are slowly becoming chicken breasts.
Iron Man is turning me into a quesadilla.
Iron Man will turn everyone into quesadillas.